Building Better Bonds: Boosting Engagement through Community

Regardless of industry, one thing is clear: true marketing success lies beyond the simple promotion of products or services–it involves the creation of a thriving community. This, of course, is also true of associations. When you weave connections between your organization and its members, you create a sense of belonging. Member engagement is key to […]

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Who Doesn’t Love a Good Discount?

Spilled dice, all with the percentage symbol on them.

It’s hard to argue; while course discounts may not be the end-all, be-all decider, the way to your members’ hearts definitely takes a detour through their pockets. With the rising costs of…well, everything, your members will appreciate the savings–and your association will appreciate the results! Now, while discounts and bundles and incentives (oh my!) may […]

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How to Get Sponsors for Your Next Event (and Beyond!)

A woman shaking hands with the sponsor her association just made a deal with.

For many members, events represent one of the biggest draws of an association. Events provide some of the biggest member benefits, accommodating networking and educational opportunities while also bringing in a massive amount of revenue to the hosting association.  Of these revenue opportunities, sponsorships often contribute a significant amount. Not only can sponsorships increase your […]

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Become the Go-to Continuing Education Resource for Your Members

Gears going from one silhouetted head to another, implying transfer of knowledge.

Association members today have countless options to explore when wanting to further their continuing education (CE) and develop their careers.  For convenience and simplicity, many rely on their association to provide them with these opportunities. In fact, many members go to their associations first for professional development!  For obvious reasons, associations should be ready, willing, […]

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ROI 101: How to Calculate the Return an LMS Could Bring Your Association

A growing stack of coins over a stopwatch, indicating revenue growth over time

As the leader of an organization, you know that investing in the right tools can make all the difference when it comes to boosting member engagement. In today’s digital age, many associations are turning to learning management systems (LMS) to provide continuing education (CE) programs for their members. But, how do you know if investing […]

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How to Generate More Revenue in a Changing World

For most associations, increasing revenue often comes down to increasing memberships or completely altering the way the organization operates by decreasing costs. While some changes will inevitably have to be made to keep up with a changing world, there are ways to increase revenue without completely reshaping your association. While non-dues revenues are different from […]

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Profiting from Online Continuing Education

An image representing revenue growth

How to Recession-Proof Your Association   In an increasingly competitive world, the ability for associations to distance themselves from their competition is becoming more and more difficult. Associations everywhere are looking for new ways to increase profits, attract more members, and retain them for longer. Thankfully, continuing education–particularly of the online variety!–has proven to be […]

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5 Reasons Online Courses Don’t Sell

A woman working outside on her laptop

  Every day, more associations are discovering that online courses are a viable and powerful way of generating additional revenue. Yet, while the opportunity seems to present endless possibilities, there are still countless online courses that fail to sell. The question is: why? What is it that separates the successful programs from all the rest? Of course, […]

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