Become the Go-to Continuing Education Resource for Your Members

Gears going from one silhouetted head to another, implying transfer of knowledge.

Association members today have countless options to explore when wanting to further their continuing education (CE) and develop their careers.  For convenience and simplicity, many rely on their association to provide them with these opportunities. In fact, many members go to their associations first for professional development!  For obvious reasons, associations should be ready, willing, […]

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So, You’re Picking an LMS: What to Look for and What’s Next

Happy woman thinking at her desk

A learning management system (LMS) can make an enormous difference in the type of continuing education (CE) you offer and how it’s received by your members. The right system can enhance nearly every aspect of your association’s CE, but the sheer number of systems available–not to mention the individual options and features available on each!–can […]

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Technology Tips and Tools to Help Bar Associations Build Trust and Support Members – Part 4

An image of a digital lock.

We’ve now covered your bar association’s website, research tools, and cloud functionality; this time, we’ll be looking at how to protect your organization from internet miscreants and digital troublemakers! Tip: Safety First You want your association’s data to be accessible, but not too accessible–at least, not to the wrong people! Keep your files secure by […]

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Technology Tips and Tools to Help Bar Associations Build Trust and Support Members – Part 3

Continuing our series of articles in partnership with Lexum, this week we’ll be looking into the nebulous world of cloud computing. You may have heard the term tossed around, but how does it apply to bar associations? Read on to find out! Tool: the Cloud You may have heard of “cloud computing” (or just, “the […]

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SaaS Integration and Member-Based Organizations: What You Need to Know

As member-based organizations increasingly rely on technology to run their operations and interact with their members, the value of integrating an association’s applications with the rest of its technology can’t be overstated. Software as a Service (SaaS) integration is the process of integrating your organization’s software applications with each other, as well as with any […]

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