5 Reasons Online Courses Don’t Sell

A woman working outside on her laptop



Every day, more associations are discovering that online courses are a viable and powerful way of generating additional revenue. Yet, while the opportunity seems to present endless possibilities, there are still countless online courses that fail to sell. The question is: why? What is it that separates the successful programs from all the rest?

Of course, there can be many different reasons and meaningful coincidences that account for one’s success (as well as another’s failure), but there are some commonalities visible in most–if not all–of the struggling courses offered by associations.

More importantly, knowing these specifics means that your association can (and should) take the necessary precautions to avoid them–or, better yet, turn them into strengths!

Without further ado, here are five big reasons why online courses don’t sell:

1. Subpar Content

It may seem obvious, but old or subpar content is a red flag for potential low sales. This isn’t to say that all your content has to be on the bleeding edge, but it does have to be comparable with your competitors at the very least.

First of all, this means knowing who your competitors are, as well as what kind of content they offer.

Next, your content needs to be a reflection of the wants and needs of your customer base. If you don’t know that, ask them! Get to know them, join their communities, and discover how to address their primary needs.

It doesn’t necessarily take a lot of money to keep content updated, but it does take time, energy, and commitment. Despite this, it’s worth the expenditure: outdated content gives your members doubts about its accuracy. Even if the content is still valid (an older-looking video with still-relevant content, for example), it will still trigger feelings of inadequacy.

Most people are attracted to the new and “shiny”, so don’t shy away from giving your content a new paint job when it starts to fade!

2. Unresponsive in the Face of Feedback

Static or unresponsive courses are technically a subcategory of “subpar content”, but the importance of them deserves its own category.

We all make mistakes; even the best of us have overlooked certain things when creating something. Designing course content is no different, and it may be difficult (or even impossible) to avoid these mistakes.

However, the inability to react to problems, mistakes, or suggestions for improvement is avoidable.

We are quickly entering a world where personalization is king. Customers and students want content that is built for them and understands them; what better way to show that yours is than with timely and accurate responsiveness?

This requires a line of communication with your customers, both during and after the sale. Know what they liked and what they didn’t, make changes based on suggestions, and address any concerns that didn’t lead to changes.

For the same reasons that old content is unwanted, static and unresponsive content is, too. Stay dynamic and you’ll be ahead of the game!

3. Underwhelming Web Design

Along with solid course content comes solid formatting and a solid webpage. Your association is setting itself up as a reputable source of information and snap judgements, for good or ill, are part of a customer’s decision process.

Today, professionalism in a website doesn’t require dump trucks of money. Professionalism can be simple, accessible and easy to use. A professional website is not only easier to self-promote, it is more likely to be promoted by your customers. We want to be proud of where we take online courses, so give us a reason to boast, share and discuss your programs.

Professionalism also includes transparency. Our online-savvy eyes have been trained, whether we know it or not, to avoid the spammy, the scammy, and the vague. Make sure your copy is straightforward and unambiguous. Be clear about what your course delivers and actually deliver it, no secrets and no doubt. Tricking people into buying something other than they paid for hurts only you in the end.

Another element here is eliminating the objection of a lack of payment options. An easy-to-navigate checkout and shopping cart is an absolute must because not being able to accept someone’s money is no longer an acceptable excuse. Have a safe, versatile payment system and make payment processing a small step, not a hurdle.

4. Poor Pricing

Associations often generate a course price in a thought process equivalent to throwing darts at a dartboard. This practice should be avoided.

Accurately matching a price to a product requires knowing your competition and how you compare to them; knowing your customer base, as well as what they’re willing to pay; and knowing what your market strategy is. This means that your association needs to decide if your courses are meant to drive revenue, visitors, or something in between.

Be honest with yourselves and decide on a price that will excite your customers. Also, don’t be afraid to test out pricing strategies–you can camouflage test pricing through promotions (or even “new and improved” course content).

See how people react, respond to the changes, and base your final decisions on what arises from it!

5. A Lack of Marketing

Last (but not least) is the ever-damaging lack of marketing when it comes to selling online courses.

In the digital world, digital marketing must play a role, however daunting that may seem. Stop blasting emails out blind and take time to make yourself present in the world you want to occupy.

Mastering digital marketing channels requires you to set yourself and your association up as the industry authority that your courses represent. It’s tempting to always be selling or promoting on these channels, but use them instead as a way to stay in contact with your clientele and learn more about them. Brand recognition is sure to follow when you join the discussion!

Proper digital marketing requires personalization. Understand your customers, what they want, and what stage they’re at–then separate them. For instance, you can develop email marketing and social media campaigns that deliver interesting points of view on issues that are important to your potential customers; this will put you on the fast path to get them listening to you.

Send abandoned shopping cart reminders or ads to those who never completed their purchase. Send similar (or complementary) product promotions to those who did go through with a purchase. Personalize your messages and let your customers know that you’re paying attention.

Finally, don’t cut corners. Spend time marketing in several channels, track the impact, and then decide where your time and money is best spent. No one is saying it’s easy, but it is necessary.

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While online courses present massive potential to the associations that provide them, it‘s important to first understand the factors that can make or break the success of your educational offerings.

From understanding your target audience to creating an effective marketing strategy, it‘s essential that you take the time to research and understand what it takes to make your online course a success.

With the right approach (and a little elbow grease!), your online course can be a great way to generate extra income and share your association’s knowledge with the world.

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