Boosting Brand Recognition: How Live Streaming Can Help

A camera live streams an event.

Live streaming is no longer just an afterthought in association marketing plans. In fact, it’s fast becoming one of the central components for brand awareness strategies!

Despite this, organizations are still slow to realize the full potential of the practice. Back in 2016, about 44% of brands were incorporating live streaming. That number has grown steadily since but, for most, there’s still plenty of room to grow.

In general, videos perform much better than other media formats. Videos typically have a greater than 135% organic reach on social media channels compared to pictures. Additionally, viewers watch live videos longer, comment more, and share them more often than they do their pre-recorded counterparts.

However, when it comes to positive brand awareness, the effectiveness of a live stream is more important than just its widespread coverage. Live streams give organizations the power of immediacy. They can showcase sides of the organization that most consumers would never (or could never) otherwise see.

While there are countless ways that live streams can help your organization, today we’ll be exploring some of the best ways they can help promote your association’s brand:

1. Introduce Your Organization

One of the best ways for an organization to build true brand recognition is to give the world a closer look at its inner workings. Modern consumers connect best to organizations that display transparency, honesty, and authenticity.

In order to gain the trust of consumers, organizations need to be human, be responsible, and be available. How better to achieve this than to use live streams to show off your association? Live streams can highlight how your organization operates by bringing viewers behind-the-scenes:

  • Showcase your creative process
  • Take viewers on a tour
  • Create videos that show off your organization’s culture

Some organizations even choose to live stream meetings or interviews with various personnel. This helps to add personality and a face to the company.

You may consider giving your consumers a chance to ask questions of different people. The goal here is to help bridge the gap between the organization and the consumer. Demystify your operations and unveil the processes involved in your work. The more people know and understand, the higher the chance they will connect with you.

These live streams don’t have to be polished pieces of art, either. In fact, many of the most effective live streams are unscripted and rough around the edges, making them come across as more “real” and authentic.

2. Highlight Your Initiatives

As a promotional tool, few mediums can compete with live streams.

Effective live streams remove the middleman and the confusing marketing language, instead providing immediate updates, increased awareness, and news announcements directly from the source.

Associations can use live streams to show-off or tease new and upcoming courses and conferences. Some may offer exclusive sales via discount codes or contests during the stream.

Other associations may use live streams to provide a countdown to an upcoming event or initiative. This can help build excitement and ensure a launch doesn’t go by unnoticed!

Another effective live streaming method is to highlight positive initiatives or charity work done by your organization. In this globally-conscious age, live streams with a social focus can inspire audiences and help them connect with your association’s mission.

No matter how you demonstrate your organization’s value or purpose, it’s important to keep your communications consistent and on-brand. Today’s members are much more willing to support associations when they feel that they’re contributing to a positive effort!

3. Stream Your Events

Improving access to your association’s events is a powerful way to increase brand awareness.

For one, live streaming your events will result in a more widespread reach: your consumers will enjoy more attendance options and, as a result, your attendance will become more diverse. As an organization, live streamed events position your brand as more accommodating and forward thinking.

Furthermore, live streams encourage and allow for real-time interaction with attendees. This high level engagement that live video attracts means that most social media platforms favor live streams in their promotional algorithms, allowing you to promote your brand further and farther. Live streams also allow your organization to better promote your events on social media, even directly linking to the event in posts.

Whether it’s product launches, association introductions, or a large industry forum, it’s important to remember that the best live streams offer audiences something that may not be available in person. This takes your live stream from being an extension of the physical event to something altogether unique and distinct.

Even after the live streams and events are finished, organizations can use the material they recorded in a variety of ways. Some organizations break up the video and use it for promotional purposes, enhancing their brand awareness even further.

Make sure to archive and catalog your content for ease of use!

4. Run Live Training Programs

Brand awareness is important, but how consumers recognize and remember a brand is perhaps the most important of all.

With live streams, organizations can inject more value for consumers in a greater number of ways. One of the most effective uses of this strategy–particularly in terms of brand awareness–is to offer live training programs.

Live training programs can be anything, from individual courses to industry certifications to a series of webinars. Some organizations may offer complex training programs, whereas others may prefer simple how-to videos or live demonstrations. Associations can even live stream customer support and customer onboarding videos!

No matter the content, the purpose is the same: education.

Providing educational content helps position associations as thought leaders in their industries, making them a hub of information and a landing spot for professional (and personal!) development.

The live delivery component of this kind of training makes the learning process more of a personal experience. Students and instructors can connect in real-time, and members feel more seen and heard in their studies. By offering live educational support, organizations can foster feelings of being seen and supported in their members.

5. Partner Up

In this age of information, brands are evaluated in many different ways.

Associations looking to build brand awareness should look into teaming up with brands and sponsors with similar values and goals. Organizations may, for example, align with another brand and participate together in a purposeful initiative. Others may seek out professional live streamers or social media influencers to partner with, which can have a major impact on reach and brand awareness.

It’s important, however, that organizations choose the right brands to partner with; when one organization aligns with another, their messaging should be consistent, or else audiences will be left confused.

Perhaps the most effective form of collaboration via live streams is when organizations work directly with their audience.

Associations that respond to and communicate with their members tend to be the more relatable and memorable brands in the digital landscape. Use live streams to:

  • Talk to your audience,
  • Gather feedback from members, and
  • Use it to improve your services.

While crossover content and impressive guest appearances can have lasting effects, good old-fashioned customer appreciation is often what makes the biggest overall impression on your brand!

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In conclusion, live streaming is becoming an indispensable tool for organizations aiming to boost their brand recognition.

Live streaming’s unique ability to engage, captivate, and provide real-time connections makes it a key component in many a marketing strategy. From introducing an organization to showcasing initiatives, from offering live training programs to forging partnerships, live streaming empowers associations to resonate with members on a deeper level and leave a lasting impression.

As this dynamic medium continues to evolve, one thing is becoming clear: embracing live streaming isn’t just a promotional option–it’s rapidly becoming a necessity!



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